April 2008 at Fire and Water Art!
In April 2008 Kathleen Mooney features her Hand Painted Books
at Fire and Water Art! at 219 W Main in Lowell MI.
At least 5 of Mooney's hand illustrated original books will be on display. Mooney's books are original paintings and collage work -- many of the books use her own hand carved stamps of ancient signs and symbols. Archaeology, Ireland and universal myths inspire her images. A DVD movie of her book Universal Artifacts will be running in a continuous loop. Universal Artifacts is back from its 2007 exhibit at the ISEA International Society of International Artists show in Santa Cruz CA. Mooney is known for her ancient and pre-historic inspired abstract and 3D works. More information is available on her website www.fire-and-water-art.com.
A reception will be held Sunday April 6th 2-4 - Kathleen Mooney will do demonstrations of her painting process using her own hand carved stamps of ancient signs and symbols. Visitors will have the opportunity to discuss the inspiration for her books.